simple is beautiful
The Generator Blog: August 2008
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Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Drug Inventor.

Got a feverish friend? How about a rashy relative? Create your very own drug to help them feel A-okay again. Name your drug, customize it, then send it to the folks who need it most.

(thanks Amy)

[ Drug Inventor ]

Celebrity Baby Name.

Are you an expectant celebrity or simply hate your unborn child? Then try out our Celebrity Baby Name Generator and fit your spawn with a first and middle name that will have them in counseling by the age of 5.

Some examples: Pomegranate Melina, Eucalyptus Liliana, Lemongrass Titus, and Gingko Baylee.

[ Celebrity Baby Name ]

Automatic Inanity Idiom Extruder.

Witness this new manufacturing technique, in which UnSequitur Industries provides you with a painfully oblique statement for your custom personal use.

A lentil stretches nosehair clippers with shy yodeling babies and shells.

[ Automatic Inanity Idiom Extruder ]

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Make Me Babies.

MakeMeBabies' unique technology will show you exactly (well... almost exactly...) what your future child with another person will look like. They take both your photos, do some magic calculations, and congratulations! You have a new baby!

For example, if I wanted to have a child with Angelina Jolie, this is how our baby would look like. Cute!

They will ask you to sign up but you can skip that.

(via 2Dolphins)

[ Make Me Babies ]

Flying Flag.

A flag fluttering in the breeze.
Make your own Flying Flag.

If the gif file doesn't work for you, you can see it here.

(thanks Paul)

[ Flying Flag ]

Lazy Bloggers Post.

Don't know what to write about in your blog? Use the Lazy Bloggers Post Generator to create instant content. Like this:

OMG! I just realised I have not updated this since Paris Hilton was in jail... You would not believe that I actually have a life.

Seriously! I am so busy with keeping up with my favourite daytime soaps, playing The Sims, just generally being a coach to the local soccer team, my day starts from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to 11pm at which point I fall asleep on the couch. I am not complaining though. I need some perspective.

I won't promise anything to you but I will make more of an effort to blog more often. Seriously! What do you mean you don't believe me?

[ Lazy Bloggers Post ]

Monday, 11 August 2008

Yearbook Yourself.

Ever wondered what you'd look like in the past? Upload your photo and see yourself with classic hairdos and outfits through the decades.

[ Yearbook Yourself ]

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Comic Strip.

Create your own 'comix' strip.

[ Comic Strip ]

Timed Quiz.

Have you ever wanted to make your own custom How Many Xs Can You Name In Y Minutes?-style quiz for your website, but didn't know how? Using this Timed Quiz Generator it's easy.

[ Timed Quiz ]


Glowtxt creates animated or non-animated colorful font styles. Click on a sample text style or select one from the list, then press 'Create text' to make your own glowing text! image

[ Glowtxt ]

Gangsta Name.

Always wanted to have a real Gangsta name?
Mine is Papa Jiggaboo.

[ Gangsta Name ]

Old School DJ Name.

Get your Old School DJ name.
Mine is Doodoo-Brotha Funk.

[ Old School DJ Name ]