Four weeks ago, Google (Blogger) send me a message telling me The Generator Blog has been found to be a spamblog by one of their spambots. Which of course it isn't.
They offered me the possibility to send a request for reviewing, which I did. They also told me there would be a grace period of a couple of days before I would be able to post again.
After a week, nothing had happened. Instead I got another message telling me my site was a spamblog. Again I requested a review. This has happened several times up until now. I also send a couple of messages to Blogger Help. Again, nothing happened. This has been going on for four weeks now and I haven't been able to post anything to The Generator Blog.
Yesterday I asked Philipp Lenssen, webmaster of '
Google Blogoscoped' for help, since I knew that people from Google are reading his site.
They obviously must have done just that, because now, all of a sudden, I am able to post again. Thank you Philipp for posting about my problem on your site.
New updates will be posted this afternoon. Thank you for your patience.