Sometimes the banalities of life just don't make for solid Twitter or Facebook status updates. Add a little mystery and confusion with the Twitter Status Generator. [ Twitter Status ]
PiZap is an online photo editor. You can play with some demo photos or upload your own. You can then add text, stickers, change faces and a whole lot more. Here's an example of a demo photo I changed. [ Photo Editor ]
Customize some commercial beer logos. (thanks Raymond)[ Beer Label ]
 The airwaves and internets are awash in political advertisements that run the gamut from subtle innuendo to outrageous accusation. For too long, these political weapons of mass destruction have been reserved for the Washington elite. This inequality is downright un-American and it will not stand. We give you the Attack Ad Generator. Now creating a vicious attack ad is as easy as using refrigerator magnet poetry. Just like a YouTube video, you can share your attack ad in email or embed it right on your blog or website. (via No Subscription Required)[ Attack Ad ]
Just enter some text and click the 'Go' button. A picture of a videotape will be generated for you. [ Videotape ]
In his latest book, 'More Information Than You Require,' author John Hodgman tells us of the deranged world below our own world of the strange naked-mole-rat-like people known enigmatically as 'The Mole-men,' and provides us with the oddly charming names of 700 of the Mole-men.  And now, here's your once-in-a-lifetime chance to find out what your very own Mole-Identity is! I'm Gustavo Wormherder, A Worm Herder, Like His Father Before Him. [ Which Mole-Man Are You? ]
What's your Mafia Name? Mine is Micky the Shnoz. [ Mafia Name ]
Give your friend a funny award or put something on your own blog. Enjoy your new trophy! [ Trophy ]
With My Fame Star you can choose from stock images or upload a photo of your own. You can then customize a True Hollywood Stories-type video that chronicles the subject's rise to - and fall from - the dizzying heights of pop-culture celebrity. (thanks fusionjazz)[ My Fame Star ]
Soda. Pop. Coke. Whatever you choose to call it, here's the Soft Drink Can Generator, where you can create your own brand of carbonated sugar water. Enter some text, choose an emblem, and pick your colors and patterns. A soft drink can will be generated for you. Collect 'em, trade 'em, put 'em on your website, or e-mail 'em to your friends. [ Soft Drink Can ]
Just enter the names and pictures of you and your friends and get a customized Taco Bell Why Pay Mo' rhyme. You can also get your very own rapper name in lights. (thanks Genelle)[ Why Pay Mo' Rhyme ]
Make your own Jack O' Lantern. You can either upload a picture or use words [ Jack O' Lantern ]
Make a baby without actually 'making' a baby. Volkswagen of America created the Babymaker3000, a tool to have a baby with a loved one, or a person you hardly even know. Just find the right mate, and make a baby so adorable you just can't help but love. What if Barack Obama and Sarah Palin would have a baby? The child would look like this. (thanks m.c.)[ Babymaker3000 ]
Let this idea generator create some ideas for you. Like: 'Leverage the power of your monolithic ILS and retire to a safe distance.' Or 'harness MARC records using a folksonomy.' [ Library 2.0 Idea Generator ]
Charlie Gibson's interviewed her. Katie Couric's interviewed her, twice. Now it's your turn! Go ahead, don't be shy, step right up and ask Sarah Palin a question. [ Sarah Palin Interview ]
Photo Notes makes polaroid pictures. It's easy, upload a picture, add a caption, and voilà! Instant Polaroid. (via The Thinks I Think)[ Photo Notes ]
If you are a hip hop super god with a phat rap or hip hop album destined for the music biz, makin' a free mp3 or CD for your home posse, or just because your real name is wackedy wack - you're gonna need a legit hip hop name. Mine is BOMB DADDY RIDAH. [ Hip Hop Name ]
Have you ever wanted to freak people out with some crazy text? Now you can do exactly that by writing your text upside down with this flip text generator. (via Vijay For Victory)[ Upside Down Writing ]
With Color Illusion you can upload an image. It will then appear as an image with distorted colors. In the middle of the image is black dot. Stare at the dot for 15 seconds, the image will then change, and everything will appear in color. Until you look away. [ Color Illusion ]
With ClipCaption you can attach your own subtitles to a foreign language film. It's very easy: choose a clip, enter your subtitles and send it to your friends, family or colleagues to brighten their day! [ ClipCaption ]
Vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin has picked out an All-American set of names for her children. There's Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. Ever wonder what your name would be if Sarah Palin was your mother? Well now you can find out. If Sarah Palin were my mother, I would be named Rankle Hiway Palin. [ Sarah Palin Baby Name ]
This Eternal Life Coupon is inspired by an ancient Egyptian scroll guaranteeing its bearer eternal life. Use this form to grant eternal life to yourself or to someone important to you. [ Eternal Life Coupon ]
 It's time you got made, my friend. Let's start with a good, uh, 'family' name. Good luck pal, you'll need it. My name is Luigi 'Rib Roast' Vaultadetti. [ Mob Name ]
Add funny subtitles to a Chinese movie clip. (thanks Kathy)[ Chinese Movie Creator ]
Got a feverish friend? How about a rashy relative? Create your very own drug to help them feel A-okay again. Name your drug, customize it, then send it to the folks who need it most. (thanks Amy)[ Drug Inventor ]
 Are you an expectant celebrity or simply hate your unborn child? Then try out our Celebrity Baby Name Generator and fit your spawn with a first and middle name that will have them in counseling by the age of 5. Some examples: Pomegranate Melina, Eucalyptus Liliana, Lemongrass Titus, and Gingko Baylee. [ Celebrity Baby Name ]
Witness this new manufacturing technique, in which UnSequitur Industries provides you with a painfully oblique statement for your custom personal use. A lentil stretches nosehair clippers with shy yodeling babies and shells.[ Automatic Inanity Idiom Extruder ]
MakeMeBabies' unique technology will show you exactly (well... almost exactly...) what your future child with another person will look like. They take both your photos, do some magic calculations, and congratulations! You have a new baby! For example, if I wanted to have a child with Angelina Jolie, this is how our baby would look like. Cute!  They will ask you to sign up but you can skip that. (via 2Dolphins)[ Make Me Babies ]
A flag fluttering in the breeze. Make your own Flying Flag.  If the gif file doesn't work for you, you can see it here. (thanks Paul)[ Flying Flag ]
Don't know what to write about in your blog? Use the Lazy Bloggers Post Generator to create instant content. Like this: OMG! I just realised I have not updated this since Paris Hilton was in jail... You would not believe that I actually have a life.
Seriously! I am so busy with keeping up with my favourite daytime soaps, playing The Sims, just generally being a coach to the local soccer team, my day starts from the second I am woken by murderous Teletubbies to 11pm at which point I fall asleep on the couch. I am not complaining though. I need some perspective.
I won't promise anything to you but I will make more of an effort to blog more often. Seriously! What do you mean you don't believe me?[ Lazy Bloggers Post ]
Ever wondered what you'd look like in the past? Upload your photo and see yourself with classic hairdos and outfits through the decades. [ Yearbook Yourself ]
Create your own 'comix' strip. [ Comic Strip ]
Have you ever wanted to make your own custom How Many Xs Can You Name In Y Minutes?-style quiz for your website, but didn't know how? Using this Timed Quiz Generator it's easy. [ Timed Quiz ]
Glowtxt creates animated or non-animated colorful font styles. Click on a sample text style or select one from the list, then press 'Create text' to make your own glowing text! [ Glowtxt ]
Always wanted to have a real Gangsta name? Mine is Papa Jiggaboo. [ Gangsta Name ]
Get your Old School DJ name. Mine is Doodoo-Brotha Funk. [ Old School DJ Name ]
Superstickies, the stickynote generator. Write a note and click 'create' to make your own sticky note picture. (thanks Zach)[ Stickynote ]
You can use Lettersetter to generate any brief text, like a headline, in many fonts, and the results, after a little clean-up in a graphics program, could be used for web projects of all kinds. (thanks Drew)[ Lettersetter ]
The 'Transfer of Luck Certificate' generator allows finders of lucky pennies to send the good fortune to someone in greater need. The generator offers a free, personalized, illustrated, high-res certificate suitable for printing. (thanks Craig)[ Transfer of Luck ]
No matter what your favorite alcohol is, be it beer, wine, scotch, bourbon, whiskey, gin or even champagne, everyone likes a nice mixed drink or cocktail once in a while. For bartenders or patrons looking for a new drink they can claim as their own, the Bar Drink Generator can provide a creative spark or a complete recipe. [ Bar Drink ]
Easily create professional website templates. Pick a template, customize it, and download it for free. You can customize colors, fonts, apply effects like drop shadow, round corner, and gradient. Templates are CSS compliant. [ Website Template ]
Did you know everyone's got a special phone which perfectly matches his or her personality? Find out what your ideal phone is. My ideal phone is an iPhone. And that's amazing, because it's true. [ Perfect Phone ]
Create an easy to remember but harder to guess password with Sismit. [ Password ]
Wordle is a toy for generating 'word clouds' from text that you provide. You can also type in a URL of a website. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. Here's a word cloud of The Generator Blog. (via Paperback Writer)[ Word Clouds ]
A mooch is someone who tries to get something for free. Like a car ride. Know a Mooch who's always bumming rides? Send them an e-mooch and help point them in the right direction to de-moochify themselves. (via Traction)[ Moochify ]
Lift Magic is allowing anyone curious about cosmetic surgery, but too frightened to go under the knife, to see an improved version of themselves at the click of a mouse. Lift Magic offers a virtual makeover for prospective plastic surgery patients, so they can see how they might look after eye-bag removal, a nose job or a face-lift. Upload your image or choose one from Google. Make sure the face box is alligned to the face. Adjust image rotation, zoom and color. Set face processing parameters, such as lift coefficients and face adjustment settings. Then press button to view face processing result and to compare before and after photos. (via Virtual Blog)[ Lift Magic ]
So, you say you've got boy troubles? Your boyfriend or your husband is giving you a real hard time? Wondering what you should do about it? Well, wonder no more, because Roller Derby Diva Extraordinaire, Mia Psycho, is here to help! Just enter your Roller Derby Name and click the button, and Mia Psycho will tell you what a real Roller Derby Girl would do! Like: 'Head-butt the jerk in the nose and push him down!' or 'Clothesline the sucker and drop him to the floor!'[ Mia Psycho's Roller Derby Girl's Guide To Boys ]
This is the kind of stuff you dream up while waiting around in IKEA for 2 hours. Enter your first name and it will create your Swedish furniture name. [ Swedish Furniture Name ]
Are you looking for a random word or do you want to generate a nickname? Do you need a domain name, a name for your child, company, pet or band? Use this random word generator to generate new words or change existing ones. [ Word Constructor ]
Create a military grade dogtag set with your own custom text. (thanks Matt)[ Dog Tag ]
Easily create your very own Star Wars-esque prelude text crawl. Use it for a joke, homemade movies, e-cards, birthday wishes, or just to recreate the magic of the original films. Like this one. (via Dump Trumpet)[ Star Wars Crawl ]
With Magnigraph you can create your own vector images in black, white, red or blue. Great for your signature, a sketch, even a photograph. Your magnigraph can then be scaled to arbitrary size, for printing on T-shirts, mugs, or posters. You can upload an image from your computer, or your can point at an image on the web. Low resolution, high contrast images work best. (via Tonistasworld)[ Magnigraph ]
Generate a CSI plot by the click of a button. Like this one: An architect is killed by a crackhead, feeding the victim stale cupcakes, standing on the ledge of the 112th floor of an appartment complex. After examination of the security tape, using a yet-to-be-invented pixel enhancer, the perp is caught. The vic and the perp turned out to be related.[ CSI Plot ]
This tool lets you make your own custom receipts. The completed receipts are in dollars only but you can enter non-dollar amounts for prices if you like. [ Custom Receipt Maker ]
Upload a photo and the Old-Style Photo Generator turns it into a photo looking like a hundred years old. [ Old-Style Photo ]
Italian grandmothers are famous for being dauntless, affectionate, and inspirational. Nonna is present whenever a family and guests are well fed and whenever something is created by hand, with care and love. The Honorary Italian Grandmother Certificate is for those rare individuals with a flair for maintaining tradition, improvising without blinking, and turning anything into a nurturing experience. [ Honorary Italian Grandmother Certificate ]
Generate a new British town name. I created 'Knucklewittle on the Toddle, Devon.' [ British Town Name ]
The site is in German but generating a German town name shield is very easy. (thanks Senderswind)[ German Town Name Shield ]
Make Your Coat of Arms allows you to easily create your own family coat of arms or family crest based on your family ancestry or on the values that are important to you and your family today. [ Coat of Arms ]Here's another [ Coat of Arms ] generator. (via Pitoche)
Not getting along with friends and family and co-workers? Wanna know why? Wondering what the hell is wrong with you? Well, just enter your name, and the incredible 'What's YOUR Problem?' analyzer will tell you what your personality problem is! Me? I'm a severely depressed kleptomaniac with a total fear of commitment! [ What's YOUR Problem? ]|
The gibberish generator provides nonsense text. Given some sample text, say Shakespeare, as input, the computer generates output which is random, but which has the same statistical distribution of characters or combinations of characters. I entered Ezra Pound's poem The Encounter. All the while they were talking the new morality. Her eyes explored me. And when I rose to go, her fingers were like the tissue of a Japanese paper napkin.This came out: Her eyes explored me. And when I rose to go, her fingers were talking the tissue of a Japanese paper napkin. All the new morality, her fingers were like they were talking the while the while the tissue of a Japanese paper napkin. [ Gibberish ]
Ash Singh is a Canadian born, Hong Kong educated entrepreneur based in Singapore. He says: Racism is driven by being afraid of the unknown. People that do not wear a turban need to connect with the turban to understand it. Turbanizer.com helps by allowing anyone in the world to visualize themselves in a turban.See how you look in a turban. (via Ursi's Blog)[ Turban ]
Have you ever had a moment, when you wanted to recommend a coleague, but did not have appropriate words in mind? Now it's not a problem anymore! Just use the Endorsement Generator. Gerard was fantastic to work with. Gerard did not fail me a single time. Gerard is open minded perfectionist. Passionate, hard-working, reliable and loyal strategist, a person you can trust when you want to be sure that important tasks will be completed in a systematic and precisely way. Is always capable of adapting to new working enviroments.[ Endorsement ]
PhotoSoup is a visual word puzzle generator that allows users to create word search puzzles with tag-photo pairs taken from Flickr. The tag is hidden in the puzzle, and only the associated photo is shown as a clue. The objective is to find all hidden tags in the puzzle before you run out of time. (via The Thinks I Think)[ Word Puzzle ]
Watch yourself - or a friend, family member or pet - morph into an animal before your eyes. Select an animal, choose a photo, create your morph. [ You Wild ]
Find out your nun name. Mine is Sister Etta Crankmusket. [ Nun Name ]
Enter a word, choose the number of letters to overlap, and there's your new word. I picked 'generator', 3 letters to overlap and found some creative words like: generatorment, generatorpedo, generatortoise, and generatorus. [ Invent-a-Word ]
A fun celebrity face match service. Upload a photo of yourself (or someone else) and receive ten celebrity look alikes. [ Celebrity Face Match ]